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Frequently Asked Questions

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo

Frequently Asked Questions

IUS was founded by the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo with the aim to improve standards of higher education in BiH.

The founder of a private university is a natural or legal person acting as a company aiming at making profit. Foundation-based universtiy is a non-profit organization supported by donations. 


Information on tuition fees can be found here.

Based on open calls for student exchange announced by the IUS International Relations Office and pursuant to the number of available grants on partner universities, students who fullfil the requirements of the call can apply. Based on the criteria established by the Book of Rules on Participation in Exchange Programs, the best ranking students will be selected.  


Before leaving, the student is obliged to pay his/her tuition fee at IUS for the semester they are going to spend on the exchange. During his/her stay at a partner university on the Erasmus+ exchange program, the student will receive a grant (financial support) amounting to 800-850 Euros a month and 275 Euros (on a one-time basis) for travelling expenses. The student will use the amount he/she receives to pay for the accommodation, food, travel/health insurance, visa, travelling and pocket money. The grant received from a partner university is usually paid upon arrival to the partner universtiy (sometimes even a month later), so it is necessary for the student to have enough money for the above-mentioned expenses when he/she arrives to the partner university.  

Students can get a dormant status for the period of maximum one academic year supported by a valid reason for such a request. 



IUS diploma is recognized in Europe, however, as any other diploma acquired in a foreign country, it is necessary to go through the process of acknowledging equivalency of the diploma.

No, it does not. Accreditaion and equivalency are two different aspects of diploma recognition. Accrediation is more related to quality assurance, which means that the education conducted on a certain institution/program is of the same quality as in other institutions accredited by the relevant body. More information on diploma recognition can be found here.

Undergraduate studies at IUS last for 4 years (240 ECTS credits). 



Yes, you can. During the first year of study, freshman students can cange both the faculty and the study program. In the second year of the study it is possible to change only the study program within the same faculty. The changes can also be made subsequently, but it may impact the length of your study. 


The entire education process and communication at IUS are conducted in English.

Candidates who apply for enrollment are obliged to prove their level of English language proficiency in one of the following ways:  

a. Certificate on acquiring the necessary number of points in one the following internationally-recognized English language exams:

  • IBT Internet based TOEFL minimum 70 points - IELTS - (Academic) minimum 6.0, taken only in the British Council; TOEFL/IELTS results acquired in any other testing facility (private language courses, etc.) will not be considered as proof of the level of English language proficiency at IUS.

b. Diploma on a completed high school, undergraduate study or postgraduate study in English and acquired in a country whose official language is English;

c. Proof of the achieved 60 ECTS credits at an English-medium university;

d. Diploma of one of the following high schools: AICE diploma: Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education; IB diploma: International Baccalaureate;

e. Document proving that English is the mother tongue of the candidate. 

Candidates who do not submit any of the above-mentioned proofs of the level of English language proficiency are obliged to take the  Proficiency Exam IUS organizes at the beginning of every academic year. More information can be found here.

Yes, you can. You can prepare anywhere, but the exam must be taken at IUS.

The program consists of 4 levels and each level lasts for 8 weeks. The price of a level is 1000 EUR.


The certificate is a valid internal proof of the level of English language proficiency during the entire study. The certificate can be used outside of IUS as a proof of English language proficiency for 2 years from the date of issue. 


More information on the double diploma program you can find here.

Maximum duration of the undergraduate study is 8 years/16 semesters. 


Only in case a student does not pass minimum 50% of courses in an academic year, he/she receives warning measures on the possibility of expeltion from the University and his/her parents are notified about the same. 


Course registration is done via the Student Information System upon help and consultation with academic advisors and the Student Affairs Office. You need to be registered in the Student Information System and have IUS student email address. 


After consultations with an academic advisor assigned to each student, a student chooses his/her courses. The student is obliged to know the curriculum of his/her study program and the schedule of obligatory and elective courses. 


  • Two buildings with a total area of 24.000 m² with faculties and administration
  • Infirmary open every day from 08:00 to 16:00
  • 7/24 surveillance system
  • 7/24 campus patrol
  • Carded entrance to the campus
  • Research and Development Center on 1500 m2 consisting of bioengineering, genetics, chemistry, physics, mechatronics and electronics labs
  • Telecommunications labs
  • Computer labs
  • Architecture labs with 3 CNC machines
  • Visual arts studio (film production and live broadcasting)
  • Economics lab
  • Library (professional and reference literature, journals and online databases)
  • Sports fields (sports hall, gym, outdoor basketball courts, football pitch)
  • Amphitheaters
  • Wi-Fi Internet
  • Cafes and a restaurant
  • Kindergarten (0-6 age)
  • Art gallery
  • IUS Life – Lifelong Learning Center
  • Psychology Counseling Center
  • Balkan Studies Center
  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center

Usually no because professors prepare the material to be used in the lessons and distribute it to students. However, for some study programs, it is necessary to provide certain working material to be used during the lessons (for example, drawing material for Architecture, etc.).


IUS Library is linked to the National and Universtiy Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as to some online academic source databases. You can learn more here


IUS organizes many events in cooperation with the study programs, faculties, student clubs, associations and local community. Students are timely informed about these events via social media, student emails or the official IUS website. 


IUS campus has both male and female dormitories. For more information on the male dormitory, plese click here and for the female dormitory, please click here


International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
