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Corodinator's Message

Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering

Dear students,

Please take a few minutes and think about the essential questions that are going to help you to choose whether Industrial Engineering is the right choice for you:

  • Do you like studying business, human science and technical subjects?
  • Do you like working with computers?
  • Do you like solving practical problems?
  • Do you like learning how things work?
  • Do you want to help people to improve their lives?
  • Are you a team player?


If your answer is YES to more than half of these questions, than Industrial Engineering might be the good choice for you, because industrial engineers use computers and mathematical skills to improve business and the lives of people by solving their problems. Thus, I recommend you further reading.

Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Yılmaz Gür

So, what is Industrial Engineering? Industrial Engineering is an engineering discipline dedicated to design, build, analyze and manage complex systems or processes with the aim of improving the quality of the output.


Thus, it is a field of study intended for individuals who are interested in analyzing and formulating abstract models of complex systems with the intention of improving system performance. As an industrial engineer, you may work on projects to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy, and other assets.

Industrial Engineering offers broad career opportunities over the globe to work and consult in a wide range of organizations that produce goods or services.  As an Industrial Engineer, you will have the opportunity to work in lots of different types of businesses including manufacturing, hospitals, military, retail chains, hotel chains, government, communications, banking, e-commerce, education, etc.



Associate Professor Dr. Yılmaz Gür

Industrial Engineering Progam Coordinator 



Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering

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Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Industrial Engineering

"I don't spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems."

- Elon Musk

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