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Promotion of "Telegrams to Angel Palmeras" held at IUS

On Wednesday, December 26, 2018, the promotion of the second, bilingual edition of the book Telegrams to Angel Palmeras by Jasmin Hodžić was held at the International University of Sarajevo. The promotion was jointly organized by the Balkan Studies Center and the ELIT department.

The book is the author’s personal account on the events taking place in several towns in Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 war. The events are described from a child's perspective – the author's in this case – accompanied by the testimonies of other people who survived the atrocities of exodus, detention and concentration camps.

The audience had the opportunity to listen to the speakers from different fields of academia and research and their accounts on the importance of reading and promoting this type of literature. Doctor Adi Maslo from the Faculty of Humanities in Mostar and Elmedin Zubović, the translator of the book and an adjunct instructor at IUS, spoke of the importance of this book in literary terms and its influence and impact on the readers. Doctor Hikmet Karčić, a researcher from the Institute for Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks and a recent IUS PhD holder, talked about the importance of this literature for both formal and informal academic research into the nature of the detention and concentration camps in Herzegovina.

Doctor Jasmin Hodžić, the author of the book and a researcher from the Institute for Language at the University of Sarajevo, shared the reasons and motivation for writing the book, and he introduced the audience with Angel Palmeras, a member of the UN peace corps who helped Jasmin and his family on several occasions during the war, and who is now deservedly a part of the title of the book.

It is worth mentioning that this is the ninth promotion of this book in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region and that the book has also been published in the USA.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
