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IUS Awards Scholarships to the Winners of “IUS Wordy 2019” Competition

On 23 February 2019, “IUS Wordy 2019” competition was held at International University of Sarajevo. The competition gathered senior secondary school students from entire Bosnia and Herzegovina who demonstrated their English language skills and competed for IUS English studies scholarships. International University of Sarajevo has awarded ten scholarships to top ten “IUS Wordy 2019” participants.

Lejla Hamzakadić, a student of The First Bosniak Gymnasium in Sarajevo won 100% scholarship. The following four students won 80% sholarships: Lamija Hreljić (The Gymnasium Dobrinja, Sarajevo), Imran Ahmetspahić (The Medresa Secondary School "Osman ef. Redžović", Visoko), Marko Puharić (The Secondary School Čapljina, Čapljina), and Amer Nezirić (The Secondary School for Mechanical Engineering and Traffic, Mostar).

The following five students won 50% scholarships: Kenan Hasanić (The Gymnasium "Edhem Mulabdić", Maglaj), Adel Trbara (The Gymnasium "Meša Selimović", Tuzla), Amina Hadžić (The Second Gymnasium, Sarajevo), Said Smajić (The Gymnasium "Edhem Mulabdić", Maglaj), and Sidika Čengić (The First Bosniak Gymnasium, Sarajevo).

Congratulations to all the winners of “IUS Wordy 2019” competition! For additional information about the competition, please visit:

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
