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Assist. Prof. Dr. Nudžejma Obralić on the Erasmus+ exchange in Poland

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nudžejma Obralić, Coordinator of English Language and Literature Department at IUS, took part in the exchange of professors under the Erasmus+ program, in November, 2016.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Obralić visited the University of Zielona Gora in Poland where she gave a lecture and presented International University of Sarajevo (IUS) to students and professors. During her stay, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marek Smoluk, the Project Coordinator and Professor at the Institute of Modern Languages of the prominent Polish University provided everything to make this exchange beneficial for both parties.

Professor Obralić is welcomed by Prof. Dr. Giorgi Melikidze, Vice Rector for Science and International Cooperation and Prof. Dr. Sławomir Kufel, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. Vice Rector and Dean expressed a wish for further cooperation at the level of two divisions of English Language and Literature and the Department of English Philology. In addition, they noted that IUS, as a university in a country which is not in the European Union, is an important partner in the planning of future projects funded by the EU.

In addition to the exchange of professors, there will also be an exchange of students. In the spring semester Lejla Kaharević, Nadja Crncalo, Iris Geko and Erva Turan, students from the Department of English Language and Literature of IUS will stay at the University of Zielona Gora.

The University of Zielona Gora belongs to an elite group of 18 universities in Poland. The number of students in this University has around 13,000 in all three cycles of studying.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
